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Phoenix Law Firm Cooks Dinners at Ryan House

Phoenix, Arizona (Sept. 14, 2015) – Phoenix business law firm Jaburg Wilk cooked two dinners for children and their families staying at Ryan House. 

Ryan House is a palliative and respite care facility that addresses the emotional, spiritual and social needs of children and their families as they navigate life-limiting or end-of-life journeys.  

Jaburg Wilk’s first group cooked spaghetti and homemade meatballs and the second group made a taco and tostada bar. The groups were given a tour of the facility which was an incredible experience.

“What struck me as so special about Ryan House is the staff’s focus on having fun in the moment despite the burdens of the circumstances,” said Jaburg Wilk partner Maria Crimi Speth. “Children are naturally good at this and Ryan House gets that.  Eckhart Tolle said, ‘Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.’  Our time at Ryan House was a powerful reminder of that.” 

To learn more or to get involved with Ryan House, visit http://www.ryanhouse.org/


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